
1. Studii disponibile prin ''Women`s Network'' apartinând Red River Valley
2. ''Data Processing Unit''
3. ''Schimbări în societătile postcomuniste aflate în perioada de tranzitie''- Donna M. Hughes-1998
4. ''Would Legalizing Prostitution Curb the Trafficking of Women? No:Legalization Would Legitimize Abruse''-Donna M. Hughes-1998
''Prostitution in Five Countries: Violence and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder'' studiu de Melissa Farley, Isin Baral, Merab Kiremire and Ufuk Sezgin-1996
5. ''Efectele prostitutiei asupra sănătătii'' - studiu de Janice G Raymond, director executiv al Coalitiei Împotriva Traficului cu Femei
6. ''The Effects of Prostitution''-Katherine M. DePasquale
7. Pimps,Tricks and Feminists ''Beyond the Sex Wars: Feminism, Sexuality and Power in a Commodity Culture'', Kelly Holsoppl, 1998
8. ''Many Prostitutes Suffer Combat Disorder'', Study Finds in New York Times, 18 august 1998.
9. Raport al Consiliului pentru probleme legate de prostitutie (Concil Prostitution Alternatives).
10. Cecilie Hoigrad and Liv Finstad, ''Backstreets: Prostitution, Money and Love'', 1992, translated by Katherine Hanson, Nancy Sipe and Barbara Wilson;first published as Bakgater în Norway, 1986, Pennsylvania State University Press: University Park, Pennsylvania (taken from ''Prostitution: Fact Sheet on Human Righta Violation,'' 1996, Melissa Farlei, Ph.D., available from melifarley@aol. com).
11. Andrea Dworkin, ''Prostitution and Male Supremacy în Life and Death,'' 1997, New Yyork: Free Press.
12. Bruce Chambers, Chief of Police inThunder Bay, Ontario, în a radio interview with Cathy Alex, CBC-CBQ Radio, July 7, 1996; transcribed by Lynne Moss- Sharman, The Stone Angels, Thunder Bay, Ontario.
13. ''Prostitution:Fact Sheet on Human Rights Violation,'' 1996, Melissa Farley, Ph.D., available from
14. Catharine A. MacKinnon, ''Liberalism and the Death of Feminism,'' în Dorchen Leidholdt and Janice Raymond, Eds., The Sexual Liberals and the Attack on Feminism, 1990, Teachers College Press, New York(Taken from '' Prostitution: Fact Sheet on Human Rights Violation,'' 1996, Melissa Farley,Ph.D., avilable from
15. Susan Kay Hunter, ''Prostitution is Cruelty and Abuse to Women and Children,'' Michigan Journal of Gender and Law, 1994 (taken from ''Prostitution, Violence and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder,'' Melissa Farley and Norma Hotaling, Box 16254, Ssan Francisco, California, 94116).
16. Margaret A. Baldwin, '' Split at the Rott: Prostitution and Feminist Discourses of Law Reform,'' Yale Journal of Law and Feminism, 1993 (taken from ''Prostitution, Violence, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder,'' Melisa Farley and Norma Hotaling).
17. Kurt J. Isselbacher, Eugene Braunwald, Jean D. Wilson, Joseph B. Martin, Anthony S. Fauci, Dennis L. Kasper, Harrison: Principiile medicinei interne, pag 592-602, 716-723,1743,1741,1743,1746, Editura Teora,1999, vol 1, vol 2.
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19. Alfred S. Evans, Richard A. Kaslow, Viral Infections of Humans - epidemiology and control, cap 24 retoviruses-HIV, pag 723-735, cap 33 human papillomviruses pag. 999, Editura Plenum Medical Book Company, New York and London.
20. King K. Holmes, P.Frederick Sparling, Per. Anders Mardh, Paul J. Wiesner, Willand Cates, Stanley M. Lemon, Walter E. Stamm, Sexually transmitted diseases Second Edition.
21. M Rosenheim, A Itóva- Nyaporo, Sida infection a VIH - aspects en zone tropicale, Editura Ellipses, 32 rue Bargue 75015 Paris Sursa: Universités Francophones, pag 48-98.
22. K. Ishi, F. Suzuki, A. Saito, T. Kuboua, Department of Clinical Pathology, Juntendo University Urayasu Hospital, Chiba, Urayasu City, Japan, Prevalance of human papillomavirus infection and its correlation with cervical lesions in commercial-sex workers in Japan, Sursa: Journal of Obstetics & Gynecology Research. 26(4):253-7, august 2000.
23. JM. Beaten, BA. Richardson, Jr. HL Martin, PM. Nyange, L. Lavreys, EN. Ngugi, K. Mandaliya, JO. Ndinya-Achola, JJ. Bwayo, JK. Kreiss, Departments of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Medicine, University of Washington, Seatlle, Washington, USA, jbaeten@u., Trends in HIV-1 incidence in a cohort of prostitutes in Kunya: implications for HIV-1 vaccine efficacy trials, Jurnal of Acquiered Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 24 (5):458- 64, 2000 Aug 15.
24. SN. Tabrizi, S. Skov, V. Chandeying, J. Norpech, SM. Garland, Departament of Microbiology and Infections Diseases, Women's and Children's sHealth Network, Victoria, Australia. Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections among clients of female commercial sex workers in Thailand, Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 27(6):358-62, 2000 Jul.
25. J.Vioque, I Aguado-Hernandez, E. Garcia Fernandez, M. garcia de la Hera, C. Alvarez-Dardet, Departamento Salud Publica, Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Alicante, Spania, Prospective cohort study of famale sex workers and risk of HIV infection in Alicante, Spania (1986-96), Sexually Transmitted Infections.74(4):284-8 august 1998.
26. Alain Sotto, ''Psychologie'' Nr. 53
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29. R.M. Bahm si K.N.Haley, p 32.
30. Dr. George Stan, Teologie si Bioetică, Ed. Biserica Ortodoxă, 2001, p.42
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